Saturday, 2 April 2011

Day 13 of GDT

Wow, the last day of our time at the hotel went so fast! Granted we left just after breakfast but still the last 2 weeks have zoomed by. Hubby Mike stayed over for his birthday and so we all had breakfast together short of Nikki and Rita who had to leave early. I was looking forward to getting home but sad to say goodbye to Paul who has been tremendous company but we will hopefully keep in touch to find out how each us is getting on! I know he'll remember me as 'Emma whom is not the same without her pudding!' :-)

Once breakfast was eaten and my 2 weeks worth of stuff had been packed away into Mike's car to take home for me, I jumped into Kelly's car with Odene so we could do a harness walk to my local vets and take Odene on the free run she never managed to get yesterday. Unfortunately Odene started limping on the tarmac again so we decided that it would be best to forgo the freerun and harness work and just get her registered at the vets in case the limping persists come Monday. Once this was done I was left once again with Odene back at home and currently there are no signs of limping which reassures me at least that there is only pain when she goes on harder surfaces that might have grit that pushes in on the small split on one of her pads.

If all goes well come Monday we'll perhaps do a trip to the St Albans office to introduce her to her spot next to my desk. Fingers and paws are crossed!

I managed to get hubby Mike to take a photo of us all on our last day so do take a peek below!

From left to right: Odene, me, Kelly, Mike, Paul and Zeus

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