It was all about harness work today. I've done a walk in harness twice today, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Odene again was excellent, I must just point out how lucky I'm being to have such a fantastic partnership so early into training. Improvements must be made by me of course, I'm apparently too nice and need to get a little bit more firmer with my 'No's!'. Again it's all to do with the intonation of my voice, it's apparently really common for women to need to be more harsh and men will need to soften their voice during praising.
Before taking out Odene I've been doing the harness walk with just Kelly. She holds the harness as if she is the dog (no she doesn't get down on all fours!) and will lead me as if she was Odene. I've been doing this from my very first visit from Guide Dogs. Lynn was first who told me all about the process of getting a Guide Dog and part of the decision of whether I was going to be interested in having a dog is taken by how well I can be lead around. There are probably more reasons for the number of 'walks without a dog' but I'm no trainer! Lynn also was great in showing me how to use the long cane with a ball on the end which I was able to use for the couple of months before I met Julie, a Guide Dog trainer who again took me out and it was with her that the decision was made for me to be put on the waiting list!
On the matching visit I then met Odene, Kelly and Mike who took me on another harness walk first of all without Odene and then one with. The biggest surprise after doing so many harness walks without the dog was the jiggle. Dogs jiggle as they walk and this movement carries all the way up the harness and no human could accurately convey this. It made it a little bit harder noticing which way Odene was pulling me but on the whole it went well or at least I believe it did as Kelly and Mike were both really complimentary which I must say made me feel really rather 'oh yeah!'.
There actually is tons more to the story of the process of being put on the waiting list but as I'm already out on training I'll return back to that story once I'm qualified and I'm doing the same things regularly.
Today was the 2nd time in harness with Odene so it was a lot of putting theory into practice and on the whole I think it went really well. Not too many distractions were to be had luckily and the movement felt really natural. Mike joined us for the 2nd harness walk today to watch and again the advice was the same, I've gotta be a bit meaner with my 'No's' but on the whole it appears to be going really well.
One other thing I got to learn today is how to groom her. Now I've groomed dogs before of course but it's not a lot like what I've done before. There are 3 items to use, a 'zoom groom', a comb and a shammy (the leather cloth you would use to buff your car after a wash'. Mike (hubby Mike) asked a joking question when I told him about the shammy, 'Have you got to use wax as well?!' and I must say that there really is a lot too the grooming malarkey but no wax luckily! I've got to check her all over first, starting with the eyes, ears, mouth then body, legs and paws. Then it's running fingers backwards through her fur followed by the zoom groom. I couldn't believe how much dead fur came off onto the floor but I guess it has been quite a few days since she's been with me now without a groom and it's meant to be done once a day. Then it's the comb which takes of the last of the dead hair, with the last thing being the slightly damp shammy. This is great, you get to start with the face as you can't groom that with any of the brushes and then take it down the rest of her body. As she is a black lab this made her super shiny. She loved the whole process and was positively crooning with all the fuss!
Next today is another talk, we get quite a few of these dotted throughout the day but they have all been really useful and both Kelly and Mike explain everything ever so clearly with examples to back instructions up. Tomorrow I get to meet Morven who is the Guide Dog's Care and Welfare Advisor who will go into a lot more detail about veterinary bits.
Having tons of fun but boy it's not a holiday for all those thinking it's a great break for me!

Odene enjoying her 'Nylabone'